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Shade Tolerant Plants - I

Illuminate your shade garden with plants like Impatiens walleriana (Busy Lizzie) and Iris cristata (Crested Iris). These plants bring vibrant color to low-light areas, perfect for brightening up shaded spots in your garden

Plant Guides

Ilex crenata (Japanese Holly)

Ipheion uniflorum (Spring Starflower)

Iris cristata (Crested Iris)

Iberis sempervirens (Evergreen Candytuft)

Ilex verticillata (Winterberry)

Iris ensata (Japanese Iris)

Incarvillea delavayi (Hardy Gloxinia)

Itea virginica (Virginia Sweetspire)

Iris setosa (Beachhead Iris)

Impatiens omeiana (Touch-Me-Not)

Iris reticulata (Dwarf Iris)

Ilex glabra (Inkberry)

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